"How Much Does God Love You?"
"Just a Little Contamination"
"God Is Still The Same God"
"Happy 237th Birthday, America"
"The Abundant Life"
"Oh, the Worth of Bible Classes"
"Thankful For Our Fathers"
"An Eye Watching You"
"God Hears And Answers...?"
"Keep "Memorial" in Memorial Day"
"Just Do It"
"Last But, Certainly, Not Least"
"Big Day...Another Day"
"BIG DAY IN MAY - 2013"
"The Inspiration Of The Bible"
"Are You Just Playing?"
"Big Day In May, 2013"
"We Will Rise Again"
"God's Great Love"
"What is Good, Acceptable and Perfect?"
"Do Not Be Discouraged"
"What Is Acceptable?"
"Keep The Spiritual Fire Burning" Lesson 3
"Keep The Spiritual Fire Burning" Lesson 2
"Keep The Spiritual Fire Burning" Lesson 1
2012 Messages July - December
2012 Messages January - June
2011 Messages July - December
2011 Messages January - June
2010 Messages
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