"Big Rocks"
"Are You Finished Yet?"
"A Million Dollar Mistake"
"What Is Your Idol?"
"What's Your Chances"
"Extending the Thanksgiving"
"Give Thanks"
"Are You A Veteran?"
"Jesus Can Empathize"
"One Life To Give"
"Making Plans and Setting Goals"
"Grapes or Giants?"
"You Can't Fight The Traffic!"
"Jesus Christ - Man of Logic"
"It's Not Easy To Follow Jesus"
"Improper Comparisons"
"I Already Miss the Olympics...."
"Is Your Walk Up To Your Talk?"
"The Longsuffering Of God"
"Woman and a Fork"
"Turning the Other Cheek"
"Blessed By The Human Christ"
"Living in the Light"
2012 Messages January - June
2011 Messages July - December
2011 Messages January - June
2010 Messages
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