

The elders of Neelys's Bend Congregation feel a deep responsibility to use the Lord's money in the most effective way possible for the benefit of Chrst's church. This is especially true in the areas of spreading the Gospel and showing Christ's love through benevolence. We wish to be as effective as possible in these areas in order to achieve the highest level of results.

With this directive in mind the Mission Committee has been engaged in a process of determining which mission and benevolent efforts our congregation would choose to support and the level of monthly funding for each effort.

The committee has also been charged with establishing and maintaining communication with those efforts that have been selected. The committee is also to review all addistional requests and periodically re-evaluate each of the efforts we currently support.

The elders wish to commend the Mission Committee for the work they have done on behalf of the congregation. They have evaluated the many requests for funding (10-15 per month) the congregation receives and have submitted a list of the efforts to be supported to the elders for consideration. The committee has expended considerable time and effort in investigating each of the mission and/or benevolent works they have recommended.

Every request for funding the congregation receives is from organizations that do valuable work. However, the committee has recommended those efforts which have either demonstrated significant results or have the greatest potential for achieving that level of results.

The folowing is a list of the Mission and/or Benevolent efforts to which the Neely's Bend Congregation currently sends monthly support.

Heritage Christian University

House to House 

India Mission
Nigerian Christian Academy

Partners in Progress

Potters Children Home

Seek the Old Paths

A summary of each of these Mission/Benevolence efforts can be found on the "Missions" board located in the fellowship hall.


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
  1502 Neely's Bend
  Madison, Tennessee 37115
  Phone (615) 865-1836

  Email us here





  Steps to Salvation
  The Church Of Christ
          Is Different







© Neely's Bend Church of Christ