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"It's Not What You Give"
In this morning's lesson we will examine the story that has become known as "The Widow's Mite" (Luke 20:46 - 21:4).
The scripture tells us that the woman in the story was a "poor" widow. The word in the original language, translated
"poor" is a word that implies destitution...begging. She had two coins that were less in value than any coin we have
ever had. Both coins were a farthing and it was less than the English farthing which was approximately one-third of a cent.
Jesus was sitting across from the treasury in the temple and was watching people make their contributions. He saw
wealthy individuals contribute considerable amounts. He saw the gift of this poor widow and knowing her situation
was prompted to say, "truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all..." (21:3). What can He mean?
Those wealthy people surely contributed more than two mites.
In looking at the circumstances that surrounded the widow, we would have understood if she had made no contribution.
But yet she did. So why did she do it? Well...there are four things that we can learn from this story.
- Jesus is watching and knows what we give.
- Jesus isn't interested in the size of our offering.
- Jesus expects His people to be givers.
- Most importantly, she gave because she loved God.
You have heard it said, "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving." Truer words were never spoken.
When we love, not only will we give, but we will give up for it. Imagine the excitement of this widow when she had begged
enough for a meal and then, looking, she had two mites left. She must have gone hurriedly to the temple to place that in
the treasury.
How much do you love God and the church? How much do you appreciate what God has done for you?
More to come...
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
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