Back in July of 1994 Newsweek magazine declared, "Despite the call for virtue, we live in an age of moral relativism."

When I was first introduced to the concept of "moral relativism" I was intrigued (albeit naive) that someone would spend this much time trying to undermine the concept of "absolute truth". In my naivete I thought people wanted truth. Apparently, an individual wants truth to be what is needed to be beneficial for that individual at that particular time.

Moral Relativism (for those of you not familiar with this idea) is the belief that truth is changeable...that it is "relative." In other words, "What is true depends on your point of view. It is "relative" to your particular set of circumstances."

A high school textbook, "Inquiries in Sociology," declared, "There are exceptions to almost all moral laws, depending on the situation. What is wrong in one instance may be right in another."

Why do I bring this up? I bring it up because we live in an age that is dominated by this philosophy. The belief that all truth is changeable says that there is no absolute truth. This teaching attacks the very basis of our belief in God, His Word, and the teachings and principles of our Lord Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus declared seventy-six times, "I tell you the truth." As twenty-first century Christians we must believe and know that God's moral statutes are "truth" and they are "absolute" not "relative".

Beginning with this morning's worship service and for the next two Lord's Day mornings, I am bringing a series on truth. I will call the series, "Truth...Is It True?" Please make your plans to be present as we explore this crucial subject.


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