Living the Christian life has been likened, in sermons and scripture, to several things. It has been likened to a battle. Ephesians 6 tells us the "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood..." And then Paul gives us those great spiritual weapons to use in our fight against the god of this world. It has also been compared to a journey. We are on a journey through eternity...one that begins when we are conceived in our mother's womb and it never ends. When one starts out on a journey, it is of utmost importance that he take the right road. In our travel on this journey we are to travel the "Road of Righteousness" if we are to arrive at the desired destination.

The Christian life is called the "way of righteousness" (2 Peter 2:21). It is called the "way" because Jesus said, "I am the way..." It is called the way because it is the course of life to be followed. In the way of righteousness we love our fellow man, show mercy to others, and show justice and fairness with other people and guard our own hearts and lives against transgression of God's laws. Psalms 119:172 says that "...all your commandments are righteousness..."

It is sometimes difficult to stay on the road of righteousness when we live in a world so filled with unrighteousness. God, in His wisdom, and throughout His word, has given us "signs" to let us know that we are on the right road; just as we are given road sign along the roads we travel each day.

It is imperative, in our travels, that we study His holy word in order to know that we are traveling the right road and have not made a wrong turn along the way. The signs will show us the way.

In Christian Love,        


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
  1502 Neely's Bend
  Madison, Tennessee 37115
  Phone (615) 865-1836

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