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Recently, I mentioned that when I was a boy I would often go with my dad (him, having been a gospel preacher for sixty-five years), when he would go away to hold gospel meetings in the summer. He would often hold these meetings at small country churches in southern Kentucky, middle Tennessee and beyond. The churches would have strange sounding names, such as: Randolph, Turkey Neck Bend, Only, Cyclone, Flippin, Bold Springs, etc. After each of these would come the name, Church of Christ.
Most of these church buildings were quite primitive in their construction, with the heat provided by a pot-bellied stove and lighting that consisted of three of four bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling on the electrical wire. Air conditioning…don't even think about it. The windows were open, the bugs and bats were flying in and the fans furnished by the local funeral home were flapping at a high rate of speed.
In none of these church buildings was there a baptistry and often there would be fifteen to twenty responses to the Lord's invitation. Sometimes we would go to a larger church building in a town close by and use their baptistry, but more often we would go to a creek, lake, river, or farm pond. Being well past dark and hazardous to make our way through the pasture to the farm pond, it was most always an adventure, to say the least. Do you remember where you were?
For some of you, this "word picture" that I have tried to paint, may depict your own baptism. But even if you were baptized in a church building with all the conveniences, it is worthy of remembrance.
Peter declared that there is a correlation between the recollection of your "cleansing from your old sins" and the development of Christian qualities. He said that if one lacks the qualities of faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love that "he has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins" (2 Peter 1:9). Remember, the devil will try to make you forget. But never forget that the cleansing of which you took advantage is one of continual cleansing from your sins (1 John 1:7). "Precious memories…Never forget the Cleansing"
In Christian Love,
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
Email us here