Our elders have a dream! That dream is that members of the Lord's body, that meets at Neely's Bend Church of Christ, will all come together in worship at the same time. These men have made the decision and planned for a Lord's Day when as many of our members, as possible, will gather together for fellowship and worship. That Lord's Day will be September 7, just two weeks from today.

We have often said that "we do not want numbers just for numbers sake," and that is correct, but the Lord needs the advantages that numbers can bring. Some of those are:

  • The spirit that exists in the worship service is intensified.
  • Believers are given more incentive to live closer to Christ.
  • Non-members have more opportunity and incentive to become members.
  • Our Sunday School grows and more people can be taught the Bible.
  • The contribution grows and more local programs and missions can be planned.
  • The talent pool is increased and more good works can be accomplished.
  • The singing is powerful, uplifting, and inspirational.
  • It encourages and inspires the leadership.
  • It encourages and inspires the membership.
  • It makes the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit happy.

A strong church needs strong members and strong members gather together in the assemblies; not because they must, but because they desire to be with the body when it comes together.

Additionally, on September 7 we are having a Neely's Bend Church of Christ Program Fair. It will be held in the fellowship area and the elders want you to visit the fair so you will know what goes on behind the scenes at Neely's Bend. There will be a table set up showing every program in which we are involved. The hope is that one might see and interesting opportunity and become involved.

Please make your plans to be present and let's make it a great day at Neely's Bend!

In Christian Love,        


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
  1502 Neely's Bend
  Madison, Tennessee 37115
  Phone (615) 865-1836

  Email us here





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