"Just Do It"

There is one superb characteristic that makes organizations great. Whether the organization is a family, a business or, yes a church congregation. That characteristic is great people. Every organization needs people who are team players and have the ability work agreeably with others in a collaborative way. These people will usually enter into a task, that they are asked to perform, cheerfully and with eagerness. Furthermore, that task will be completed well.

At Neely's Bend Church of Christ there are many such people. People who stand ready to serve in virtually any capacity when asked. There are an elite few, however, who exemplify a spirit that is only found in champions. They have within a spirit that forms the very basis for the great Nike slogan, "Just Do It."

Many individuals see something that needs to be done and may suggest to an elder, deacon or other that, "someone ought to take care of that." It is a worthwhile project and, when complete, moves the entire program farther ahead. The champions, however, are the ones who see a task that needs to be done and "Just Do It." I'm not talking about a project that a particular individual envisions because it is something that interests them. I'm talking about jobs that produce something for the greater good.

"Well, come on Bro. Mike. Tell us who it is and we'll pat them on the back." I won't do that because these individuals do not want recognition nor do they do what they do for those kinds of accolades. But if you want to know...who furnished the new flower arrangements for the pulpit (they're amazing), or who saw that our sign out front was dirty and spent a day cleaning it (it looks fantastic), or who saw that around some of our new light fixtures there were places that needed patching and "just did it" (great job), or who made the new wall mounted rack for the hearing impaired devices and the tile treatment in front of the baptistry (perhaps an artist), or who repaired the broken downspout (I don't know who did that), or who painted the side doors on the building (I don't know who did that either), etc., etc., etc., just ask me. Guys and gals, you know who you are and I appreciate you.


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
  1502 Neely's Bend
  Madison, Tennessee 37115
  Phone (615) 865-1836

  Email us here





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