"Blessed By The Human Christ"

One of the enduring arguments over the years has been the nature of the Christ, how was he human and also God? John had to deal with this in his three letters, near the end of the first century. The Gnostics were a Greek sect who believed that Jesus could not have been human (fleshly man born of a woman) and still have been the sinless Savior. He even starts off his Gospel with the declaration of God becoming man and living amongst us (John 1:1-18), "the Word was God" (1:1) and "the Word became flesh" (1:14).

Let us go back to the beginning and look at the first promise of a Savior, in Genesis 3:15 we see the statement of God telling the serpent that He "would put enmity between his seed and her seed". Most scholars agree that this is the first prophecy of the Christ because the seed would "crush his (Satan's) head." One of the primary implications of this passage is that the Christ would be a product of the woman and God as Adam was not involved in this discussion; Adam was not addressed until verse 17.

Abraham was promised, substantially, the same thing in Genesis 12 in that through his seed (Abraham, who was a descendent of Adam and Eve) one would come who would bless all nations. Prophecy is abundant about the nature of the Christ on the human side, as well as the God side?

Now let's look at the actual birth of Jesus. He got his start with the conception of Mary by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:8; Luke 1:30-31). The exact working of this is a miracle and as such is in the realm of the unexplainable by human reasoning since with God all things are possible. What did happen is that the Christ, God the Son, left His home at the right hand of the Father and came to earth as Jesus through this birth. While fully a physical man and of fleshly birth Jesus would maintain throughout his life his Godly nature.

Do we realize the blessing of the physical Christ who came to give His life for us and by his Godly nature now resides at the right hand of God to be our representative before God. Now He is our finest example, and we need to rise to that standard and walk in His ways. We need to have His mind in us, Philippians 2:5-11. (More to comeā€¦)


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
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  Madison, Tennessee 37115
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