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"When the Going Gets Tough"
Three weeks ago my Sunday morning sermon was entitled, "When the Bottom Drops Out." It addressed the times in our lives when
multiple problems hit us all at once and we get very confused as to which way to turn or what to do next.
The loss of James Hudgins, last month, and now the loss of Rick McMasters are stunning blows to all of us...no doubt about it.
And with one of our elders, Richard Botts, still in critical care at St. Thomas Hospital it is easy to ask..."Why...What will
we do?" The answer is for everyone to keep on doing just as you have. If you have a personal ministry, keep at it. If you
do not have a personal ministry, you need one. And continue to pray for those who have experienced personal losses. Also pray,
not only for Bro. Richard, but also for Bro. Tom Garner and promise to stay behind him and support him.
There are times in every life when we must take a step back and try to see a larger view of the way things are in the world.
In the three and one-half years that I have been with you at Neely's Bend we have lost many key people of our congregation and
yet we have continued to grow and grow stronger. We are a strong congregation in 2014! Our attendance is up, our contribution
is up, our spirit is up, our benevolence is up, our missions are up and we are doing great!
We are tested, individually, in life and we are also tested congregationally. How we respond to tests individually is no more
important than how we respond to tests congregationally. Remember the points from that sermon when Jesus' apostles found
themselves in a small boat, in a big storm, on a big sea.
The Lord Brought Them There - Jesus sent them into the storm...He was testing them.
Jesus Prays for His Followers - Jesus talks to His Father about you and about our congregation.
Jesus Came to His Own - When the going seemed impossible, Jesus arrived on the scene and calmed the storm.
Jesus Helps Us Through Trials - We are promised that God will give us strength in times of need.
Jesus Will Eventually Bring Peace - He did and then He challenged them with, "Oh, you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Neely's Bend Church of Christ should continue to, prayerfully, march onward and we will be just fine.
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
Email us here