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I hope your Bible is not as lonely as this one.
Jan. 15 Been resting quietly for a week. The first nights after the
first of the year my owner read me regularly, but he has
forgotten me now, I guess. Another New Year resolution
gone wrong.
Feb. 2 Cleaning day. I was dusted along with other things and
put back in my place.
Feb. 3 Owner quickly picked me up and rushed off to Sunday
School. He did not open me, however.
Feb. 23 Cleaning day again. dusted and put back in my regular
place. I had been down in the lower hall since my trip to
Sunday School.
Apr. 2 Busy day. Owner had to present the lesson at a church
society meeting and quickly looked up a lot of
May 5 In Grandma's lap today. she let a tear fall on John 14:1-3.
May 7-9 In Grandma's lap every afternoon now - a comfortable
May 10 Grandma is going home. Back in my old place. She
kissed me good-by.
May 20 Baby born here today. They wrote its name on one
of my pages.
June 19 Had a couple of four-leaf clovers put in me today.
July 1 Packed in a trunk with a lot of other things. Off for a
July 7 Still in the trunk.
July 15 Still in the trunk.
July 20 Still in the trunk; almost everything else taken out.
July 25 Home again in my old place. Quite a journey, though I do
not see why I went.
Aug. 2 Rather stuffy and hot. Two magazines, a book, and an old
hat on top of me. Wish they would take them off!
Aug. 9 Cleaning day. dusted and put back again.
Aug. 16 Cleaned again with special care and put in a prominent
place on the library table. Heard them say that the
preacher is going to be here for dinner.
Aug. 20 Owner wrote the date of Grandma's death in my family
record. Her glasses between my pages.
Dec. 31 Owner first found his glasses! Wonder if he will
make any resolutions about me this year.
(Thanks to Lynn Myers for sharing this.)
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
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