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A Message
from Mike Tidwell
The Big Day in May is May 6...next Lord's Day. There is not much time finish up the make ready. Here are some points that everyone knows but it is always good to be reminded.
- Plan to arrive a little early. When visitors arrive let's have some people here.
- Let's all have our smiley faces on and greet our visitors with a warm Neely's Bend welcome, just as always.
- Let's make a great impression on our visitors. If someone sees something that needs to be cleaned or straightened, please do so.
- Please pick up the aluminum pans that you need this morning. They are on the pews down front in the auditorium.
- Be sure to cover your pan with aluminum foil (or suitable covering) and put a note on it as to what is contained within.
- Drive by the back door of the church building and the young people and others will take your pans/food from you and put it in the proper place.
- Please note that there will not be A 6:00 PM service next Sunday. The 1:15 PM singing and devotional will conclude the Big Day in May.
Next Lord's Day will truly be a great day. It will be grand and enjoyable; however we must not forget what the primary objective is. The primary objective is to reach out to the community around us and attempt to draw lost people to Christ. If you have not invited someone to join us for the Big Day we have some flyers that you may use to mail or hand out.
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
Email us here