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Last Lord's Day we enjoyed the first ever "No Excuses Sunday." It was not a special holiday, nor Mother's Day, nor Father's
Day. It wasn't even a day when a meal would be served. It was just another first day of the week…the day set aside by our
Lord when we are to come together in worship to Him. Our elders had admonished and encouraged each one of our members who
could possibly do so to gather together on that day for our regular worship service and you did! Everyone came out and we
had 145 present! WHAT A GREAT DAY!
During the year, 2014, it seems as though there is momentum building at Neely's Bend Church of Christ. Our attendance has
been increasing…even in the evening services. Last Lord's Day we had 67 present for the evening worship service. New
members come to visit with us and, because of the love and friendship that you have shown, they have stayed.
Momentum is very important to growth and we should work to keep it going. Newton's First Law of Motion, paraphrased,
states that "an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force, and an object set in
motion tends to stay in motion unless it is acted upon by and external force."
We have some "momentum" going upon which we should capitalize. Let's keep it going. Now is the time to encourage those
about whom you have been thinking to come and worship with you at Neely's Bend. Family, Friends, Neighbors, Co-Workers.
We want to be an object IN MOTION and not and object at rest!
You are to be commended for your love for the Lord and His church; and for one another!
In Christian Love,
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Neely's Bend Church of Christ
1502 Neely's Bend
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Phone (615) 865-1836
Email us here