What to expect when
you visit us

You are our honored guest

Feel free to take a seat anywhere in the auditorium.  There are no individually reserved seats. A nursery is provided for mothers with infants or small children.  Someone will greet you with courtesy, warmth, and kindness (Acts 10:34-35; Galatians 3:28).

Our worship

We gather at Neely’s Bend church of Christ to worship God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We believe in the authority of God’s word, therefore we engage in "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with our hearts to the Lord" (Ephesians 5:19). Therefore, no instruments are used in our worship to God. 

The order of worship is simple, with men taking the lead in turn to guide our minds in prayer, the reading of Scripture, and the preaching of God’s word, the Bible. The Lord's Supper (or Communion) is observed every Sunday (Acts 20:7), when each baptized believer takes the bread and fruit of the vine in memory of the death of Christ (Matthew 26:26-29). 

This congregation is supported by the contributions of its members and friends on the first day of the week..  No other means of raising money, such as: bake sales, bingo games, or raffles are used.  We do not expect or ask non-members to shoulder any of our financial responsibilities although any contribution is greatly appreciated.

You will not be asked to do anything that would make you uncomfortable in any way.  Anyone who wishes to be baptized or seek the prayers of the church may come to the front during the closing portion of the service. Our overall desire is that "all things be done properly and in an orderly manner" (1 Corinthians 14:40).

We're a Bible believing church

At Neely’s Bend church of Christ we believe that our only guide in spiritual matters is the Bible, which we hold to be the Word of God. It is quoted repeatedly in sermons and is the focus of Bible studies which are conducted weekly on Sundays and Wednesdays.

We do not expect anyone to follow the preacher blindly, but encourage everyone to be like those in the first century who "received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

Salvation is in Christ

We believe and teach that salvation is in Christ and that one is required to: hear the gospel (Romans 1:16; 10:17), believe in God (Hebrews 11:6); repent (Luke 13:3); confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Acts 8:37); and be baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38).

You may see an audience member respond to the appeal to be baptized in which case they will be immersed in a pool of water, in simple likeness to the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord. They will rise from their immersion in water to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4).  (Baptismal garments and private changing rooms are provided.)

You're welcome!

We would love to have you visit all of our services, Please come and bring your Bible so that you can "search the Scriptures" with us, but if you don’t have a Bible, there will be Bibles available for your use.  We look forward to having you with us!

Thanks for visiting our website - Come worship with us
at Neely's Bend Church of Christ soon!


  Neely's Bend Church of Christ
  1502 Neely's Bend
  Madison, Tennessee 37115
  Phone (615) 865-1836

  Email us here





  Steps to Salvation
  The Church Of Christ
          Is Different







© Neely's Bend Church of Christ